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A ragged fringe is the floating-heart,

left and right we trail it:

that mild-mannered good girl,

awake, asleep, I search for her

竹里馆 In A Retreat Among Bamboss

独坐幽篁里Leaning alone in the close bamboos,

弹琴复长啸I am playing my lute and humming a song

深林人不知Too softly for anyone to hear --

明月来相照Except my comrade, the bright moon

送别 A Parting

山中相送罢 Friend, I have watched you down the mountain

日暮掩柴扉Till now in the dark I close my thatch door....

春草明年绿Grasses return again green in the spring,

王孙归不归But O my Prince of Friends, do you?

相思 One Hearted

红豆生南国When those red berries come in springtime,

春来发几枝Flushing on your southland branches,

愿君多采撷Take home an armful, for my sake,

此物最相思 As a symbol of our love.

下终南山过斛斯山人宿置酒Down ZhongNan Mountain To The Kind Pillow And Bowl of Husi


暮从碧山下Down the blue mountain in the evening,

山月随人归Moonlight was my homeward escort.

却顾所来径Looking back, I saw my path ,

苍苍横翠微Lie in levels of deep shadow....

相携及田家I was passing the farm-house of a friend,

童稚开荆扉When his children called from a gate of thorn

绿竹入幽径And led me twining through jade bamboos

青萝拂行衣Where green vines caught and held my clothes.

欢言得所憩And I was glad of a chance to rest

美酒聊***挥And glad of a chance to drink with my friend....

长歌吟松风We sang to the tune of the wind in the pines;

曲尽河星稀And we finished our songs as the stars went down,

我醉君复乐When, I being drunk and my friend more than happy,

陶然***忘机 Between us we forgot the world.