Scotland is one of four areas of Britain, it is located in the British Isles, hill, north of distributed in the population, with 511 million. Here is a distinctive feature of the place, the unique highland scenery lets a person to have forgotten. More greatly small lakes and mountains, if copy Mosaic, extremely attractive eye sings.
At first glance, Scotland and England no difference, but they have their own ancestry, Celtic, have their own national language - the Gaelic language. And about the history, believe in Scotland saw the brave heart of people of Scotland's history. Scotland has strong national pride, everyone will recite the great poet burns poems nationalities. They also Burns's birthday (January 25) as the national holiday, called Burns eve (Night)'ll. That night, the people gathered together, read burns poems to eat a Scottish national food (Haggis). Now, people this dish as Scotland, entertain lavishly specializing in Scotland, plus the whisky brewed well-known world, put on the national costumes, one of the most curious, Scotland on plaid skirt that man, and Scotland Kilt (women), lively dance together.
In addition, Scottish mountains, people use less than plain grass development, NiuYe sheep. Here are not only the native, golf and the reputation of thousands of lakes, so many talents cultivation, Scottish watt invented the steam engine, bell invented the telephone, especially to the pride of Scotland is the father of modern economics, these are Adam Smith in Scotland.
Anyhow, here is a let you do not want to come to the place, I hope we can have the opportunity to enjoy the scenery there.
乍看起来,苏格兰人和英格兰人没有什么区别,但是她们有自己的祖先------凯尔特人,有自己本民族的语言-----盖尔语。还有关于苏格兰的历史,相信看过《勇敢的心》的人们都对苏格兰的历史有所了解。苏格兰人具有强烈的民族自豪感,人人都会背诵本民族大诗人彭斯的诗句。她们还把彭斯的诞辰(1月25日)作为本民族的节日,称为彭斯之夜(Burns Night)。那天晚上,人们聚集在一起朗诵彭斯的诗歌,还要吃一道苏格兰民族佳肴(Haggis)。现在,人们把这道菜作为苏格兰的国菜,招待宾客,再加上苏格兰酿造的驰名世界的威士忌,还要穿上本民族的服装,其中最令人奇怪的是,苏格兰男人竟穿上格子裙(Kilt),与苏格兰女子一起翩翩起舞,欢快无比。
总之,这里是一个让你来了就不想走的地方,希望我们都有机会能去欣赏那里的风光。(不要用google还有其它的翻译类软件啊) 谢谢各位了