诗歌散文网 - 春天的诗句 - 关于珍惜时间的英文古诗


Time is money.


Time flies.


Time has wings.


Time is a file that wears and makes no noise.


Time stays not the fool's leisure.


Time and I against any two.


Time is life and when the idle man kills time, he kills himself.


Time spent in vice or folly is doubly lost.



Time undermines us.


Time and tide wait for no man.


Time cannot be won again.


Time is , time was , and time is past.


Time lost can not be recalled.


Time flies like an arrow , and time lost never returns.



Time tries friends as fire tries gold.


Time tries truth.


Time is the father of truth.


Time will tell.


Time brings the truth to light.


Time and chance reveal all secrets.


Time consecrates: what is gray with age becomes religion.


Time reveals(discloses) all things.


Time tries all.



There is no time like the present.


Take time by the forelock.


To choose time is to save time.


Never put off till tomorrow what may be done today.


Procrastination is the thief of time.


One of these days is none of these days.


Tomorrow never comes.


What may be done at any time will be done at no time.



Time works wonders.


Time works great changes.


Times change.



诗歌Cherish the Moment(珍惜一起的时光)

Time, such a precious word,

It gives us the gift of moments.

Moments are so beautiful that can never be recaptured.

But those moments turn into memories that can never be recaptured.

We are left with footprints in our minds and hearts.

Longing to recapture time, hoping it will last forever.

To be left with the reality of the passing of time;

So precious and so fleeting.

We can't bring it back or relive,

Only be grateful that it happened.

So cherish every moment, never taking anything for granted,

Because some day, that will be moment you'll want to relive.

Love with all you heart.

Let your loved ones know how much you care.

Smile even when you want to cry.

Live life to the fullest,

Because you never know when your time will pass with the wind.

Time (时光)

To realize the valve of ONE YEAR

ask the student who has failed a class.

To realize the value of ONE MONTH,

ask a mother who gave birth to a premature baby.

To realize the value of ONE WEEK,

ask the editor of a weekly newspaper.

To realize the value of ONE HOUR,

ask the lovers who are waiting to meet.

To realize the value of ONE MINUTE,

ask a person who missed the train.

To realize the value of ONE SECOND,

ask a person who just avoided an accident.

To realize the value of ONE MILLISECOND,

ask the person who won a silver medal in the Olympics.

Treasure every moment that you have!

Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is mystery.

Today is a gift. That's why it's called the present!!