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English Renaissance literature

16世纪,由于新航路发现后海外贸易发达,英国国力逐渐充实,民族主义高涨,1588年一举击败大陆强国西班牙派来入侵的“无敌舰队”。The 16th century, developed the new route found overseas trade, the British national strength gradually strengthened, rising nationalism. Spain sent one stroke defeated 1588 invasion of the mainland power of the "invincible fleet." 文化上也出现了一个活动频繁、佳作竞出的文艺复兴局面。There is a cultural activity, the highlight of Renaissance bidding situation.

一如在14世纪的意大利,文艺复兴在英国是以重新发现希腊、罗马的古典文化开始的。Italy, as in the 14th century, Britain was rediscovered in the Renaissance Greece, Rome, the classical culture began. 大学里恢复了古希腊语的教学,接着出现了规模宏大的翻译活动,众多的学者、作家将古代希腊、罗马和近代意、法等国的学术和文学名著译成了早期近代英语。Restore the ancient Greek university teaching, translation followed a large-scale activities, many scholars Writers of ancient Greece, Rome and modern Italy, France, and other countries in the early modern academic and literary works translated into English. 哲学家、教育家、历史家、政治家、宗教人士纷纷从事著述,用不同方式表达了人文主义思想,其中有托马斯·莫尔用拉丁文写的《乌托邦》(1516)。Philosopher and educator, historian, politician, religious figures engaged in writing. Humanism in a different way, Thomas Mohr written in Latin with the "Utopia" (1516). 这部作品借一个旅行者谈海外见闻的方式,描绘了一个没有私有制和宗教压迫而崇尚学术的理想社会,而对为了能多产羊毛而大规模圈地、迫使贫苦农民流离失所的“羊吃人”的现实英国作了有力的谴责。This works from an overseas travelers on the horizon. portrays a religious oppression, and not the private and academic ideals and community advocate. In order for large-scale multi-wool enclosure, forced displacement of poor farmers "sheep to eat" and vigorously condemned the British reality.

诗歌创作空前活跃,大批诗集出版,开一时风气的重要诗选也陆续问世,其中《杂集》(1557)发表了华埃特和萨里两人对于意大利十四行诗的仿作,使这一诗体在英国生根。Poetry unprecedented boom, a large number of poems published poems 1.30 important trends have also been made. with the "Collection" (1557) published the Surrey Aitken and two Italian sonnet for the fake, Rooting of this verse in the United Kingdom. 到了90年代,锡德尼等著名诗人都出版了十四行诗集,虽然仍以歌颂爱情为主,却能突破旧格局而注入新内容。In the 1990s, tin and other well-known poet Denis Sonnets were published, though still mainly praise love, able to break the old pattern and add new content. 比十四行更重要的还有其他诗体,或抒情,或叙事,或讽刺,或探讨哲理,都有出色的代表作家,而成就最大的则数斯宾塞。14 is more important than the other verse, or lyric, or narrative, or irony, or explore the philosophy, excellent representatives of writers, and the biggest success to several Spenser. 他的主要作品《仙后》(1590~1596)规模宏大,内容丰富,利用中古骑士传奇的体裁,以寓言为主要手法,在精神上却反对天主教而歌颂作为英国民族象征的伊丽莎白女王,传达了正在兴起的清教主义的严峻的道德观,并且出之以优美而多变的韵文,使得斯宾塞不仅独步当时诗坛,而且成为后世讲究诗艺的作家所仰慕的“诗人的诗人”。His main works "Aw after" (1590~1596) grand scale, rich in content, Then use the legendary medieval knight, as the main way to fable, In spirit, and eulogized as a British national symbol of the Catholic Church against the Queen Elizabeth. conveyed the rise of Puritanism is a rigorous moral code, and out of them with beautiful and varied verse. Spencer was not the only makes poetry, but also the future generations about art and poetry writer admires, "the poet's poet."

诗歌的成就还包括无韵体诗在剧本里的成功运用。The achievements also include non-rhyme poems in the Poetry of successful use of the script. 诗同剧的结合产生了这一时期文学最骄傲的成果:诗剧。Poetic drama with a combination of the proudest achievements of this period : drama and literature. 从16世纪80年代起,诗剧作者们摆脱了中古神秘剧、奇迹剧、道德剧的宗教色彩和粗糙技巧,建立了一种生气勃勃的新戏剧,敏锐、强烈地表达了时代精神,在艺术上作了多方面的大胆创新。From the 16th century the 1980s, drama and mystery authors from the medieval drama, a miracle play. Rough color and religious and moral drama skills, establish a dynamic new drama, and sharp, strongly expressed the spirit of the times, many in the arts made bold innovation. 第一个成功地使无韵体诗变成戏剧媒介的是马洛。To make a success of Poetry without rhyme into the media drama is Marlow. 他用“壮丽的诗句”写壮丽的人物,如《帖木儿》(1590)中的中亚大帝国的创立者和《浮士德博士的悲剧》(1604)中的追求无限知识的德国博士,同时又在《爱德华二世》(1594)里将一个国王的遭遇写成了英国第一个历史剧。He used "magnificent poem," wrote a magnificent figure, If the "Dynasty" (1590), the founder of the Central Asian empire and the "tragedy of Doctor Faustus" (1604), the unlimited pursuit of knowledge of the German doctorate Also at the same time, "Edward II" (1594) Lane will be one of the King's experiences into a British playwright. 马洛早死,但是诗剧继续成长,经过基德、格林、查普曼、德克、米德尔顿、马斯顿、海伍德等人的创作实践,题材扩大,技巧更趋成熟,至莎士比亚而集大成。Marlow die, but the drama continued to grow, after Kidd, Green, Chapman, Texas, Middleton, Macedonia. Heywood and other creative practice, and the subject matter expanding skills have become more mature, to Shakespeare and synthesizer.

莎士比亚是演员和剧作家,一生写了37部剧本。Shakespeare was a playwright and actor, wrote a life of 37 scripts. 他博采众长而又自有创造,在历史剧、喜剧、悲剧、传奇剧各方面都写出了杰作。He EN13445 own creation, the playwright, comedy, tragedy, the opera legend has produced a masterpiece. 他的 9个历史剧包括了从约翰王到亨利五世(亦即从13世纪初到15世纪末)之间连续300年的英国历史,场面之大实属空前,而作者也写得波澜壮阔,反封建、反内战,热情地歌颂了民族国家的形成。His nine, including playwright John Wang, from Henry V (for example 15 from the beginning of the end of the 13th century) between consecutive 300 years of British history. It is an unprecedented great scenes, and the author has written a magnificent scale, anti-feudal, Choir, warm praise the formation of a nation-state.

他的喜剧活泼多趣,有浓厚的生活气息,其中《仲夏夜之梦》(1596)和《皆大欢喜》(1600)又充满浪漫诗情,令人神驰;《威尼斯商人》(1597)用生动的法庭对抗的场景提出了海外贸易和犹太人放高利贷等经济问题;而结构完整、语言锋利则又数揭露清教徒虚伪的《第十二夜》(1601)。He is lively interest in the comedy, a rich life, which "Midsummer Night's Dream" (1596) and "happy" (1600) was full of romantic poetic sentiment. It Tour; "Merchant of Venice" (1597) with a vivid scene of the confrontation court Jewish loansharking and other overseas trade and economic issues; and the structural integrity of several languages, also exposed sharp puritanical and hypocritical "Twelfth Night" (1601). 他写悲剧的天才首先见于《罗密欧与朱丽叶》(1595),这个歌颂自由恋爱的剧本象朝露一样新鲜,而一对纯真青年的死又对封建门第的残酷作了有力的控诉,为后来的西欧乃至世界的文学艺术提供了又一个有长远吸引力的主题。First seen in the tragic genius he wrote "Romeo and Juliet" (1595). Zhao-lu scripts like this glorified free love, like fresh, The death of a young and innocent again its doors to the cruel feudal made strong accusation. Later, the West and the world of literature and art provides an attractive long-term themes. 1600年以后,他的思想更深刻,技巧也更老练,创作了一系列卓越的悲剧,其中《哈姆雷特》(1601)写一个年轻的人文主义者面对邪恶势力,在怀疑、犹豫之后终于为“重整乾坤”而献出生命;《奥瑟罗》(1604)写一个威尼斯的黑人大将虽然武功盖世,却仍然受到邪恶势力的捉弄,以至亲手杀了无辜的爱妻;《李尔王》(1606)写一个国王在老年做了极不合情理的事,因此也受到极不合情理的对待,终于流落在民间,而在这过程中反而悟到了真理;《麦克白》(1606)则深入探索了野心的毁灭性,在充满迷信和恐怖的气氛里,作者却让他笔下的罪人不时剖析内心,沉思和反省给了这个悲剧以更大的深度。In 1600, he's thinking more deeply, more sophisticated techniques, have created a remarkable tragedy which "Hamlet" (1601) wrote a young humanist face of the evil forces, in doubt. After finally hesitant to "revamp our" sacrificed their lives; "Othello" (1604) wrote a black generals, although Venice unrivaled powers. The teaser is still evil forces, as well as personally killing of innocent wife; "Here" (1606) wrote a king in a very old unconscionable, Therefore, it will also be unreasonable treatment, and finally living in the community and in the process but realized the truth; "Macbeth" (1606) is a thorough exploration of the destructive ambitions, in an atmosphere full of superstition and terror, The place is regularly condemned by the author left him analyze his heart, meditation and introspection to a greater depth of this tragedy. 这一时期的作品标志着莎士比亚达到了他的戏剧艺术的顶点。This marks the works of Shakespeare, he reached the apex of Dramatic Art. 以后他转入传奇剧的写作,以宽恕和解为主题,其中《暴风雨》(1611)仍是有魅力的佳作。He later transferred to the legendary drama writing, the theme of forgiveness and reconciliation. which Shakespeare's "The Tempest" (1611) is still a sweetheart charm.

在莎士比亚创作的末期,诗剧仍然繁荣,不仅有鲍蒙特与弗莱彻等人在写传奇剧,还出现了莎士比亚所未曾尝试的社会讽刺剧,其代表作家是琼森。Shakespeare's creation in the late drama continue to prosper, not only in Baumont Fletcher and others wrote legendary drama Shakespeare also have not attempted a satirical drama society, their representatives writer Jonsen. 他的最好的剧作是《狐狸》(1606年上演)和《炼金术士》(1610年上演),它们把17世纪初年伦敦社会上的骗子、方士、食客、荡妇、清教徒之流暴露得淋漓尽致,诗句也典丽有力。He plays the best is the "fox" (staged in 1606) and the "alchemy disabilities" (staged in 1610). Taking the early 17th century London society, the cheater, alchemist, customers bitch, Puritans like most vividly exposed. Lai also Code powerful poem. 但琼森后来为了投合宫廷所好而去写假面剧。Jonsson congenial to court to try to get away but later wrote Norma drama. 同时舞台上出现了韦伯斯特、特纳等人写的凶杀剧,他们以绝好的诗才而渲染色情和恐怖,诗剧的败象已现。Webster also appeared on the stage, Turner and others wrote in a homicide case, and they have a very good poem was excessive sex and terror, drama and the like have now defeated. 等到福特、修莱等人的剧本上演,不仅内容猥琐,韵文也虚浮,深为在政治上日益强大、信仰清教主义的资产阶级所不喜,他们所控制的国会于1642年通过法令,封闭了所有戏院。When Ford, repair Levin and others staged in the script, not only as petty, verse are volatile and increasingly powerful in the political deep. Puritan beliefs of the bourgeoisie are not happy that they have control of Congress in 1642 by decree. closed all cinemas. 从16世纪兴起的英国诗剧,在经历了60年的光辉灿烂的成长过程之后,至此乃告衰竭。From the 16th century British drama rise, reaching 60 years of experience in the growth process, and this is on the failure.

文艺复兴文学中还有丰富多采的散文作品。There is a rich literature of the Renaissance prose. 16世纪的英语虽然稍嫌芜杂,却十分富于表达力,叙事、状物、写景、辩难,无所不能,因此出现了各种风格的散文,繁丽工整如黎里的《尤佛伊斯》(1579~1580),明白晓畅如纳什的《不幸的旅人》(1594),绵密雅洁如胡克的《论教会政策的法则》(1594~1597),简约隽永如培根的《随笔》(1597~1625)。Although the 16th century English too voluminous, but it is very rich expression, narrative and coexisting landscapes, Debate and omnipotent. Hence the emergence of prose style, as Lili was extremely neat "You Dover Reyes" (1579~1580) Nash's clear, bringing to mind the phrase as "unfortunate Picnic" (1594). Hook very careful elegance as the "policy of the Church of the rules" (1594~1597) Simple thoughts like Bacon's "Essays" (1597~1625). 上述黎里与纳什二书也是原始形态的小说。Lili Nash these two books with primitive forms of fiction. 此外还有德洛尼写小城镇手工业者的三本书,特别是写鞋匠的《高贵的行业》(1600),在细节的叙述上已接近后来的现实主义小说。In addition, the handicraft small towns Deloney wrote three books, write shoemaker, especially the "noble industries" (1600). has been described in detail later close to the realistic novels. 正是由于这时英语表达力强,所以在大规模的翻译活动中也产生了许多优秀的译作,如诺斯所译的普卢塔克的《希腊罗马名人比较列传》(1579)和弗洛里奥所译的蒙田的《随笔集》(1603)。Since then English is strong, large-scale activities have also generated a lot of outstanding translation translation, Plutarch translated by the North as "more Greek and Roman celebrity biography" (1579) and translated by Montaigne Florio "Essay Set" (1603). 它们都是莎士比亚参考过的书。They are Shakespeare reference book. 17世纪初最重要的译作则是1611年由国王詹姆斯一世下令出版的英文《圣经》。The most important early 17th century, is rendered in 1611 by King James I ordered the "Bible", published in English. 它是47位学者集体翻译的成果,吸收了以前英文译本的优点,用词纯朴而富于形象,韵律也饶声调之美,对后来的英语产生了重大而持久的影响。It is a collective 47 scholars to translate the results of the previous English translation absorb the advantages of simplicity and rich image terms, Rao also the beauty of rhythmic tones of the English subsequently had a significant and lasting impact. 以上思想、学术、诗、诗剧、散文、翻译等方面的活动成就卓越,尤以诗剧为最,使这一时期文学成为欧洲以至世界文学的高峰之一。These ideas, scholarship, poetry, drama, essays, translation, as the outstanding achievements of the activities, particularly for the most drama. European literature of this period as one of the peak of world literature.
