诗歌散文网 - 桂花的诗句 - 有关篮球的英语对白


After losing a university alliance competition, the prestigious thorough collapse, basketball Confucian code Luo Yi· Maccormick (Martin · Lawrence) is facing the crisis of confidence. At the same time, the Luo Iraq always violent temper also lets the human feel urgently the headache, the alliance requests him to express obeys and submits only then lets him wield the team, refuses to accept Luo Yi has to wait for that the court adjudicates. Luo Yi waits till the ruling result is one from the high school team " the smelter " illegible facsimile. This time was one's turn his this coach to degrade, the duty teaches the high school team which lost steadily. Although the Luo Iraq myself do not prefer, but he knew that this time only may succeed, cannot be defeated, because succeeds can help him to save a face, returns the original position. but when the Luo Iraq starts truly teaches this troop time, he only then knew that originally initially his tentative plan was naive and the simplicity how. Taught to be used to university specialized team's him to discover that these high-school students as if did not have what concept to the basketball, they basically have not mastered how many motor skills, was also knows nothing about to basketball's elementary theory knowledge, was the hooligan family background completely. His first hall class hour looks that the children lose 109 points, moreover as if this is not worst. Luo Yizhi can start from the most basic thing to teach, excellent, snatches the rebound, to leak the ball, shooting, he as if takes to this team many charms, the smelter team also more hits under his leadership more is suitable, but Luo Yi also in these child's process realized in professor the basketball has taken to the joy which his that kind has not seen you for a long time. background material the movie not fabricates Coach Luo Yi this kind of irritable character, in fact, Martin · Lawrence acts this temperament stubborn rude chief instructor also has the prototype in the US. This basketball training's prototype is in American widely known Bob · Knight (Bobby Knight), he becomes famous is not because he is a good training, is not because he led the team in his professional profession to win more than 800 competitions, 3 NCAA champions, 9 BIG TEN champion and 4 year coach of the year, even was not because of that in 1984 Olympic Games' gold medal, but because he became famous the bad temperament, was arbitrary, testiness, even some violence tendency, regardless of outside the court in the court, compared Hollywood's Xien · Pan's reputation to be possible mostly.






影片并不是凭空捏造出罗伊教练这样一个火爆人物,事实上,马丁·劳伦斯扮演的这位脾气桀骜不逊的教头在美国也是有原型的。这位篮球教练的原型就是在美国家喻户晓的鲍比·奈特(Bobby Knight),他出名并不是因为他是一个好教练,不是因为在他的职业生涯中他带领球队赢得了800多场比赛,3次NCAA冠军,9次BIG TEN冠军和4次年度最佳教练,甚至不是因为那块1984年奥运会的金牌,而是因为他出了名的坏脾气,蛮横、易怒,甚至有些暴力倾向,无论是在法庭外还是法庭内,比好莱坞的西恩·潘的名声可大多了。