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1. 爱护一草一木,一鸟一兽,与大自然和谐相处。

To be good care of every tree and bush, bird and mammal, be in harmony with nature.

2. 人类社会…逆天行道,其妄自招。 ----道家学说. 老子

Humanity...The universe is sacred if you try to change it, you will ruin it.

---Lao-Tsu. Taoism

3. 给生命以生机,还自然以自在。滥杀动物,自毁生机。

Live and let live, be nature in nature. Killing of wildlife is destroying the human itself.

4. 人类是唯一会脸红,也是该脸红的动物。

Man is the only animal that blushes or need to.

5. 从对待自然的态度和方式上,便能衡量出这个民族强盛与文明的发达程度。

The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be measured by the way which its nature are treated.

6. 地球只有一个,让我们关爱与分享。

One earth, let's care and share.

7. 环境保护,从全球着眼,从本地入手。 ----雷内.杜波斯

Environmental protection, think worldly, act locally. ----Rene Dubos

8. 一个国家如果不能维护好本土上的各种生物资源,也就不能维护好国民的生存质量。

---- 汤姆.洛弗祖

A nation unable to support diversity of its Wildlife is unable to support the standards of living of its people.

---- Tom Lovejoy

9. 物种灭绝本是难免,可人类过度的开发行为却大大加速了物种灭亡,比自然灭绝速度快1000倍之多。

Extinction has always been occurring, but the present wave of extinction caused by human pressures and exploitation are at least 1000 times the natural rate.

10. 可持续发展之路不仅能满足当代之利,更可顾及子孙之需。----《我们***同的未来》

Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

---Our common Future

11. 多种树,而不要多生子。 Produce trees not children.

12. 爱护今天的自然,自然将呵护你的明天。

Care for Nature today, nature will care for you tomorrow.

13. 地球是万物之母,无论什么降临在地球身上,也将同样降临于地球的孩子身上。我们应知,地球不是属于人类,而是人类属于地球。 ----美国印地安酋长 西雅图

The earth is our mother, whatever befalls the earth befalls the children of the Earth, this we know the Earth does not belong to us, and we belong to the Earth. ----Chief Seattle

14. 地球能满足人类的需求,却满足不了人类的贪婪。 ----圣雄.甘地

The earth provides enough to satisfy every Man's need, but not for every Man’s greed. ----Mahatma Gandhi

15. 失去野兽,人类将会怎样?如果世界上所有的野生动物不复存在,人类将从这无尽的精神孤寂中死亡,因为发生在野兽身上的事很快也会发生有人类身上。

----美国印地安酋长 西雅图

What is man without the beasts? If all the beasts were gone, menwould die from a great loneliness of the spirit. For whatever happens to the beasts soon happens to man.

----Chief Seattle

16. 当某一物种的最后一个成员撒手西去,同样的命运亦将再现于另一位的头上。


When the last individual of a race of living things breathes no more, another heaven and another earth must pass before such a one can be again.

----William Peebe

17. 我睡去后感到生命之美丽,我醒来时感到生命之责任。 ----特里萨嬷嬷

I slept and found that life is beauty, I waked and found the life was duty.

----Mother Theresa

18. 我们自己总觉得我们所做的不过是苍海之一滴水,但大海会因这一滴水失去而缩小的。


We ourselves feel that we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that drop. ---Mother Theresa

19.你如何对待别人(别类),别人(别类)就将如何对待你。 ----圣经

Do unto others, as you want them to do unto you. ---- Bible


Do not do unto others what you would not have them do unto you.

21.我们不能支配自然,只能顺应自然。 ----弗朗西斯.巴库

We cannot command Nature, except by obeying her. ---Francis Bacon



Modern man talks of a battle with Nature, forgetting that if he ever win the battle, he could find himself on the losing side. -----E.F.Schumacher, economist

23. 还有什么比“保护”这一真理还重要呢?我们在向孩子们传授科技是人类战胜自然的武器时,却偏偏忘记去提醒他们:人类自己也是自然的一部分,人类可能因此而遭灭顶之灾。 ----司库马什,生态学家

What could be more important than an explicit theory of conservation? We teach our children that science and technology are the instruments for man's battle with Nature, but forget to warn them that, being himself apart of Nature, man could easily be on the losing side. 

-----E.F.Schumacher, economist

24. 自然保护不是经济与社会发展的障碍,而是助力。 ----委内瑞拉总统帕沃兹

Conservation is not a barrier to economic and social development, but rather an aid. ----President Pevez of Venezuela 25.保护现存的就是保护未来! Protect the present, to protect the future.

26.一旦我们洗耳恭听大地,便能听到地球浅唱低吟的天籁之声。 ----英.甘地

Once again we need to put our ear to the ground so that the earth can whisper its secrets to us. ----Indira Gandhi


Environmental protection starts with me, if we want an alternative future, the choice is ours.

28.大地潜质,与其地尽其利,伤耗沃土,不如以怜惜之心善用之。---罗马作家 普利尼

Take not too much of a land, wear not out all the fatness, but leave in it some heart. ----Pliny, Roman


The world's biota is a library of survival strategies.

30.让地球阳光普照、让未来神圣美妙。 Let the earth shine, to make future divine.


The earth is one, but the world is not, we all depend on one biosphere for sustaining our lives. ----Our common Fvture

32.为何保护自然?因为人类的生存有赖于动植物生命的延续。 ----英迪拉. 甘地

Why conserve Nature? Survival of Man is dependent on the survival of animal and plant life. ----Indira Gandhi

33. 人无远虑,必有近忧。 ----孔子

Toward Aharmony between Nature and Economics: If a man give no thought to what is distant, he will find sorrow near at hand. (Who has no anxious thoughts for the future, who will find trouble rights at hand.) ----confucius

34. 如果失去野生生物,人类的一切将不堪设想...你失去了遗传的多样性,你将永远得不到农业高产。 ----保罗

There is no such thing as mankind going on without wildlife… If you lose your genetic diversity, you are out of the business of high yield agriculture permanently.

---Paul Ehrlich

35.人类之历史日益成为教育与灾难之间的竟赛。 ----沃斯

Human history more and more becomes a race between education & catastrophe.


36. 自然乃文化之源泉...一次春枝的萌动可以告诉我们许多,人所不喻的善恶曲直之理,胜过所有哲人。 ----沃慈沃斯

Nature as the Inspiration of culture… one impulse from vernal wood teach us more of man, of moral evil and of good, then all the sages can. ---Words worth

37. 呼吸、生命、精神:世界的灵魂。这个世界的确是一个充满灵性与智慧的大千世界。


The breath, the life, and the spirit: the soul of the world. …This world is indeed a living being endowed with soul and intelligence. -------Plato

38. 大自然的美是上帝的微笑,影响着我们的身体情绪,以及精神世界,具有改变人类灵魂的潜在能力。 ----约翰.缪尔

39. 亲近大自然;了解大自然;热爱大自然;保护大自然;***享大自然。

40. 生物(物种)资源最根本的特点是可以再生,如经营管理和保护得当,将世世代代为人类造福;反之,一旦物种绝灭,就永远不可逆转了。



42. 人是动物,又是人,但不是神! 要使人的成份增加,动物的本能减少,人类需要环境保护科学!

43. 为了人类美好幸福的生活,改造环境是需要的,但保护环境更是必不可少!

44. 对自然环境的改造和破坏,两者难解难分,为了提高人类的生活质量,必须加强环保意识,要解决这个问题,需要科学!科学不是万能的,但科学确实有能力在环境保护中发挥主要的作用。

45. 经济的发展和社会的繁荣,如果以牺牲环境为代价,那么这种发展和繁荣将是不能持久的。

46. 我们目前高速的经济增长是建立在大量消耗自然资源和破坏生态环境的基础之上的。多少年来,人们总是信奉劳动创造一切,劳动能向大自然索取越来越多的东西…....。但是,大自然并非取之不尽,我们失去的却更多更多。

47. 当务之急,拯救衰退的生物圈,建立一个人与自然和谐发展的智力圈。

48. 为了我们自己、我们的孩子....我们必须重新审视自身的行为,改变我们的社会意识,价值观念,经济发展模式和生活方式。

49. 我们只有一个地球,人类的命运如何,取决于我们现在的行为。

50. “大自然”-----由动、植、微生物、气候、土地和水所紧密组成的生态系统




51. 人类如果不立即保护环境,到2000年左右,整个地球的气候将会发生变化(厄尔尼诺现象、温室效应、现在不是一年比一年更明显地被人类感受到了吗?)。到那时,以标榜“自我智慧”为骄傲的人类,将会在愤怒的大自然母亲的呻吟中无奈地感到自身的渺小和脆弱------自掘坟墓,自毁家园。

52. 到本世纪末,热带雨林----地球之肺,将从地球上消失。


53. 无数的警示红灯已亮起,人类过度地损耗了大自然慷慨的赋予,这必将祸及其本身的安危!一旦大自然被摧毁,将毫无挽回的机会。


54. 草木原来最有情,为生而死为生生。





55. 让我们用行动证实自己是对子孙后代赋有崇高责任的高等智慧生物,


56. 自然保护的根本点是使我们及我们的子孙们在这个国家中都有最佳生存地...。自然保护是这一代中,这个国家所经历的最民主的运动。它坚持人们不仅有权利,而且有义务控制对自然资源的使用,这一资源是国家繁荣的最大源泉。



57. ...早晨,出奇的宁静,那儿曾经充满鸟儿美妙的歌声。 ----雷切尔.卡逊

58. 我与周围的一切融为一体,如果我不能拯救它们,我也就不能拯救自己。


59. 人类应是大自然进化树上开放得最美丽的花朵,而不应是最活跃的毒瘤!

60. 惟有理解,我们才会关心




61. 善是保存和促进生命,恶是阻碍和毁灭生命。如果我们摆脱自己的偏见,抛弃我们对其他生命的疏远性,与我们周围的生命休戚与***,那么我们就是道德的。只有这样,我们才是真正的人。 ----史怀泽