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  DVD Review: The Kite Runner

 The Kite Runner is a moving, sincere piece of art. Despite that, most audiences might not have even noticed that it went through the theaters like a desert breeze. It’s made a modest showing internationally, and pulled in $15.4 million in its limited US release. Critics, however, remained mixed, although most of the negative reviews placed the film up against the poetic genius of its source material – the best selling novel by Khaled Hosseini.

 With all the hype surrounding the book and the excitement of it coming to the screen via director Marc Forster (Finding Neverland, Stranger Than Fiction), the DVD release may come as a surprise for those who looked for it on their local marquee and never found it. It also comes as good news.

 After spending most of his life in California, Amir (Khalid Abdalla) is forced to reconcile with his past in Afghanistan in order to prove loyalty to his childhood friend Hassan (Ahmad Khan Mahmidzada). The film chronicles their early years dealing with the brutality of bullies, the infiltration of the Soviets that force the two friends apart, and life in the United States where Amir finds love and normalcy.

 Characterized by sweeping shots and brilliant performances by young actors Ahmad Khan Mahmidzada and Zekeria Ebrahimi, the movie plays well, of course, on the small screen. The intense shots of kites swooping and diving through the heights of the Afghani countryside lose none of their luster, and the rest of the film is made for an intimate setting.

 The DVD has the standard video and sound settings. Unfortunately, beyond the film, it’s lacking in special features. It has commentary from the director, the author of the novel, and the screenwriter, as well as a beautifully done segment featuring words from the novel and art renderings from the film.

 Despite a lack in featurettes, the real joy of owning this DVD is for the film itself. It’s an incredible drama that captures a fragile culture in the throes of upheaval as it mirrors the friendship of two young boys.


 带着对原著的高度关注和对导演马克·福斯特将其搬上大荧幕的兴奋期待,DVD 的`发行对那些想在自己本土观看这部电影却又找不到片子的观众来说是一个惊喜,也是一个好消息。


 有着令人惊叹的电影镜头和两位年轻演员Ahmad Khan Mahmidzada和Zekeria Ebrahim精湛的表演,这部电影在小荧幕上也能表现出色。那些风筝俯冲和划破阿富汗乡村长空的惊险镜头十分出彩,电影的余下部分制造着一种温馨的氛围。

