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1.last month,during a poetry reading.I tried out a short prose poem called"How to Like Men. 'It began by suggesting that one start with the feet.Unfortunately, the question of jackboots soon arose, and things went on from there, 上个月的一节诗歌阅读课上,我读了一首短诗,名字叫做 “学会爱人”。 这首诗建议我们要从脚开始爱。可是,问题是对方要是穿着靴子怎么办?哦,那得从靴子开始。(可能有双关的意思 即 要是对方是个固执,不友好的人就很难交往 抑或是写者本人讨厌这种诗歌的迂腐修辞 个人观点)2.he thought it negative and inegalitarian of me to have alluded to war and rape.I pointed out that as far as any of us knew these were two actinities not widely engaged in by women.我在话题中提及战争与掠夺让他觉得我是个消极,好战分子。我指出;“我们每个人都知道这两方面在女人们谈话里是永远谈及不到的。(有讥讽的意味)3.This is the conversation one has with Americans,even,uh,good Americans,when the dinner-table conversation veers round to Canadian-American relation.在和美国人,甚至是美国良民***餐谈话时,话题总会引向加美关系上来。4.And Canadians are supposed to be their best friends ,right?Members of the family?加拿大人应该是他们最好的朋友,对吧? 就像一家人?5.some cynical members of the world community may be forgiven for thinking that the same asterisk is there, in invisible ink,on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.国际社会里有一些愤世嫉俗的成员只知道在宪法章程和权利自由法案中用隐形墨水画着的星号。这些人是可以被谅解的.