路遥的生命充满了苦难,路遥的创作是其生命的写照与结晶.路遥的生命历程与创作过程均表现为一个不断超越自身的过程.目前,我们的文学仍需要现实主义精神,我们的生活仍需要这样为人民大众而写作的作家,路遥的名字与作品将会永生.
作品:
《平凡的世界》
《黄叶在秋风中飘落》
《惊心动魄的一幕》
《人生》
《你怎么也想不到》
《在困难的日子里》
《早晨从中午开始》
《路遥短篇小说》
《路遥散文随笔》
翻译:
Lu
Yao's
life
is
full
of
suffering,
of
Creative
Luyao
is
a
portrayal
of
their
lives
with
the
crystal.
Luyao's
life
and
creative
process
are
beyond
the
performance
itself
as
a
continuous
process.
At
present,
we
still
need
to
literary
realism,
we
of
life
for
the
people
still
need
to
do
the
public
and
writing
writers,
Lu
Yao's
name
will
be
eternal
life
and
works.
Works:
《Ordinary
World》
《Yellow
leaves
falling
in
autumn
in》
《Soul-stirring
scene》
《Life"》
《You
could
not
think
of
how》
《In
the
difficult
days》
《Good
morning,
from
noon
to
start》
《Luyao
short
stories》
《Luyao
Prose
Essay》
希望能帮上你!