诗歌散文网 - 赏月的诗句 - 拜伦经典诗句中英对照



'If I should see you,after long year.How should I greet, with tears, with silence. 假若他日相逢,我将何以贺你?以沉默,以眼泪。 ——拜伦 《春逝》'

'She walks in Beauty, like the night 她以绝美之姿行来, 犹如夜晚 ——拜伦 《美之诗》'

'If should see you,after long year. How should i greet,with silence and tears. 若我会见到你,事隔经年。 我如何贺你,以眼泪,以沉默。 ——拜伦 《春逝》'

'If I should meet thee, After long years, How shoud I greet thee? With silence and tears. 如果我们相逢 在多' 年之后的 我将如何 想你致意? 以沉默,以眼泪。 ——拜伦 《When We Two Parted》

And more thy buried love endears Than aught except its living years. 你已葬的爱情胜过一切 只除了爱情活着的年月 ——拜伦 《你已经长逝》

To make a lasting marriage we have to overcome self-centeredness. 要使婚姻长久,就需克服自我中心意识。 ——拜伦