1. 闺蜜要过生日了,有关于闺蜜的文言文句子吗
2. 如何用文言文装逼的祝闺蜜生日快乐,文字长些适逢密友生辰,载欣载奔,吾侪欢心.前闻芳辰,因日时仓促,且余甚愚,思之,竟无物可赠与,奈何?唯谨拟贺辞一封,敬书之,望同窗安康,此余之心愿矣…书不尽意,愿同窗快乐.奉天承运,皇帝诏谕:爱卿今日寿辰,几出心血.奈何言辞偏薄,又欲一表真心.几经思琢,以此文为祝.愿笑颜永驻,青春不走.但求今后皆安乐此无忧.吾愿繁星,实难言表,只愿君之幽兰永放清香.若有贻笑大方之词还请见谅.朕特此下旨,今日有何需求,朕必满足.钦此浪漫金秋,习风送爽 闺卿生辰,颂贤及贵!相知交往,红粉难求,愿卿佳人,柳姿长存!相伴相知,天长地久!适逢佳日,难与君聚,幸纸帛传书,表相思之意,盼重逢之期.久相知,勤***勉,朝露曾观日,雪月亦看花.虽无金涂四壁,但有君伴身旁.勿忧伤,莫彷徨,风雨携手过,坎坷齐量商.不求金玉食,但谢有情郎。
3. 闺蜜过生日,求白话文言文翻译祝福,谢谢各位,今天急要啊Surface sister, time of year near your birthday, is giving me a headache days, want to express my love for you, but I know, for my only friend, is not what can represent my feelings for you. We are together, to second years, we are still the heart to each other only relatives and friends, we are growing up, thank you for my tolerance, understanding, support and understanding, my personality, so I am not that kind of love, in close contact with the people, you know, we don't need what the surface of things to prove our friendship. Acpany you through the brokenhearted, acpany you to find new love, acpany you always single! Happy birthday, my close friend, no matter is the enty of the season, or the day after, I will acpany you. The enty-one year old Happy birthday, may you don't change, like the pure, kind-hearted, leaving traces difficult don't live in your body, only a naive, always keep o for each other, Baji you, wish to find their mate in 2014, acpany you through life! Happy birthday.。