诗歌散文网 - 写景散文 - 《花之歌》原文是什么?


《花之歌》是《纪伯伦诗选》中的一首,诗人用花的语言来叙述大自然的话语,文中尽显“纪伯伦风格”中的轻柔、凝练、隽秀与清新。诗人通过花语的清新流露,构建了一幅大自然活生生的图画,图画中有诗意的浪漫,也有现实的真实,如“我是诸元素之女:冬将我孕育;春使我开放;夏让我成长;秋令我昏昏睡去。”写出了花的成长与芬芳。而“我是亲友之间交往的礼品;我是婚礼的冠冕;我是生者赠与死者最后的祭献。”就袒露出了花的凋谢命运,都说纪伯伦的诗有着哲理寓意深邃,从这就可以看出,诗人是用诗意的叙述和思考的敏锐来书写人生的。 人生有开花就有结果,诗人看到这两点的同时,特别赞赏前者,末尾两节写出了花的积极乐观态度,诗人用辨证的眼光来看待生命,这就是诗人真正意图。 “我在原野上摇曳,使原野的风光更加旖旎;我在清风中呼吸,使清风更加芬芳馥郁。”“我总是仰望高空,对光明心驰神往;我从不顾影自怜,也不孤芳自赏。”体现了诗人的伟大理想,这首散文诗表意是写花,但真正是写人,诗人正是利用花这种大自然的语言,来寄托自己的伟大情操,同时也号召我们要“仰望高空,对光明心驰神往;不顾影自怜,也不孤芳自赏”。读了这首散文诗,我们是否在大自然的话语中找到了自己的影子呢?



Song of the Flower

I am a kind word uttered and repeated

By the voice of Nature;

I am a star fallen from the

Blue tent upon the green carpet.

I am the daughter of the elements

With whom Winter conceived;

To whom Spring gave birth; I was

Reared in the lap of Summer and I

Slept in the bed of Autumn.

At dawn I unite with the breeae

To announce the coming of light;

At eventide I join the birds

In bidding the light farewell.

The plains are decorated with

My beautiful colors, and the air

Is scented with my fragrance.

As I embrace Slumber the eyes of

Night watch over me, and as I

Awaken I stare at the sun, which is

The only eye of the day.~

I drink dew for wine, and hearken to

The voices of the birds, and dance

To the rhythmic swaying of the grass.

I am the lover's gift; I am the wedding wreath;

I am the memory of a moment of happiness;

I am the last gift of the living to the dead;

I am a part of joy and a part of sorrow.

But I look up high to see only the light,

And never look down to see my shadow.

This is wisdom which man must learn.[2]

