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因为不尽相同,所以艺术品才会有这样多不同的面貌。像布朗库西能够把他的“空间之鸟”打磨得那样光滑,让青铜的雕像几乎变成了一种跃动的光与速度。而麦约却要把流动的“河流”停住,在铅质的女体雕像里显示出一种厚重的量感来。毕沙洛的光影世界永远安详平和,而一样的光影在孟克的笔触里却总是充满了颤栗和不安。Because of not the same, therefore the art there will be so many different appearance. As Brancusi was able to put his" bird in space" polished so smooth, so the bronze statue has become something of a moving light and speed. And Maillol turns flow" rivers" to stop, the lead female body inside the statue shows a heavy weight to. Bishalo light 's always peaceful and placid, but the same light in Munch's brushwork is always full of thrills and uneasy.每一个优秀的艺术家走到极致的时候,就好像在生命里为我们开了一扇窗户,我们在一扇又一扇不同的风景之前屏息静立,在感动的同时,也要学会选择我们所要的和我们不得不舍弃的。Every great artist go to the extreme of time, just like in life for us to open a window, we in a fan and a different scenery before static breath, in moving at the same time, also must learn to choose what we want and we had to give up.(三)( three)当然,有些人是例外,就好像在生命里也常有些无法解释的例外一样。Of course, some people are exceptions, just like in life are often some unexplained exception.在美术史里,有些例外的艺术家,就像天马行空一般地来去自如,在他们的一生里,几乎就没有所谓“极限”这一件事。In art history, some exceptions to the artist, as a powerful and unconstrained style generally freely, in their lifetime, almost no so-called "extreme" this one thing.像对那个从天文、数学到物理无所不能,无所不精的达文西,我们该怎么办呢?Like the from astronomy, mathematics to physics be equal to anything, everything fine Da Vince, what should we do?也许只能够把他放在一旁,不和他比较了吧?不然,要怎样才能平息我们心中那如火一般燃烧着的羡慕与嫉妒呢?Perhaps can only put him aside, and he compared? Otherwise, how can we end our hearts the fire burning envy and jealousy?(四)( four)我相信艺术家都是些善妒的人。I believe that the artist is more jealous man.因为善妒,所以别人的长处才会刺痛了自己的心,因为善妒,所以才会努力用功,想要达到自己心中给自己拟定的远景。Because of jealousy, so others will hurt her heart, because jealous, so will be hard, want to achieve their own to develop their own vision.因为善妒,所以才会用一生的时光来向自己证明——我也可以做得和他们一样好,甚至更好。Because of jealousy, so it will be with my entire life time to prove to myself -- I can be as good as they are, even better.不然,美术史里那些伟大的感人的作品要怎样来解释呢,为什么会有人肯把生命里面最精华的时光与力量,放在那些好像并没有任何实质意义的东西上面去呢?Otherwise, art history in the great moving works how to explain it, why would anyone want to take life and the essence of time and strength, on those don't seem to have any real significance thing go?当然,你也可以说,创作的欲望来自人类内心的需求,是一种最最原始也最最自然的呼唤,我也完全同意。但是,我要强调的是,在创作的过程里,如果发现有人远远地超过了我们,在那一刹那,像是有火在心里燃烧的那种又痛又惊的感觉,对我们其实是并没有坏处的。Of course, you can also say, creating the desire from human feelings, is one of the most primordial and the nature of the call, I totally agree. However, I want to stress is that, in the process of creation, if someone is found far more than we, at that moment, like a fire in my heart and senses that pain and panic feeling, for we are actually harmless.因为,只有在那种时刻里,我们才能猛然省悟,猛然发现自己的落后是因为没有尽到全力。Because, only at that time, and we can suddenly Shengwu, suddenly found themselves behind is because did not do my best.把海浪掀激起来的,不就是那种使海洋又痛又惊的疾风吗?The opening shock up, the sea is not the pain and surprise of the gale?(五)( five)也喜欢那些在安静地埋首努力着的艺术家。Also like those in the quiet one to work with the artists.在他们一生的创作过程里,其实就是一种自我的发现与自我的追寻。In their life the creation process, in fact is a kind of self discovery and pursuit of selfhood.一个艺术家也许可以欺骗所有的人,但是,他无法欺瞒他自己。因为,不管群众给他的评价是什么,他最后所要面对的最严苛的评判者,其实是他自己。An artist may fool all of the people, however, he cannot deceive himself. Because, no matter what the masses to his evaluation is, he has to face the harsh judge, is his own.所以,当一个艺术家可以坦然面对自己的时候,他的面容自然会平和安详,谈话间的语气也自然地会缓慢和从容起来。Therefore, when an artist can face their own time, and his face will be peaceful and quiet, a conversation between two tone also naturally slow and calm.每次和他们在一起,我心里都有种羞惭不安的感觉,和这些人相比,我是怎样的无知和急躁啊!And every time they are together, my heart has a kind of shame feeling of unease, and these were compared, how I was ignorant and impatient!喜欢和他们一起画画,有时候是在一个市场的三楼,小小的画室里能有着温暖的灯光和温暖的关怀。有时候是在闹市狭窄巷弄里的一座平房,光洁古老的地板上隐约看出一些油画颜料留下的色点。Love and they work together, sometimes in a market on the third floor, a small studio has a warm light and warm care. Sometimes it is right in the narrow alleys in a bungalow, smooth old floor vaguely see some oil paint left color point.在这些画室里的艺术家都早已进入中年,却仍然安静地在走着这条从非常年轻的时候就已经开始走了的路。我每次走进画室时都会有一种触动,有时候是因为他们迎接我时的天真的笑容,有时候是因为他们脸颊上深深的纹路,有时候是因为他们花白的鬓角,有时候是因为画室中央那一把春天的花束;而更多的时候是因为画室里那一种亲切熟悉的气氛,混合着画布和亚麻仁油以及颜料的淡淡气味,朝我迎来。In the studio artists well into middle age, but still quietly walking in this article from a very young age began to walk the road. Every time I walked into the studio, there will be a touch, sometimes because they meet the innocent smile, sometimes because they face deep lines, sometimes because they are graying sideburns, sometimes because the studio central that a spring bouquet; but more often because the studio one a familiar atmosphere, mixed with linseed oil and pigment canvas and faint smell, I come in.是啊!就这样在这些熟悉的气氛与气味之间过完我的一生吧。让我们从复杂曲折的世界里脱身,一起把这样的夜晚献给那极明净又极单纯的绘画吧。让我们走入心灵的最深处,在茂密的森林里寻找各人自己原来该有的面貌。Yeah! So in these familiar atmosphere between smell and live my life. Let us get away from the complicated world, together with the night to the very clean and very simple painting. Let us walk in the deepest heart, in a dense forest to find his own some of the features of the original.然后,在这样一个***聚的夜晚之后,带着画完或者没画完的作品,带着一颗安静而又微醺的心,我们在星光或者月光之下彼此轻声道别。Then, in such a way that the copolymerization of night, with painted or finished works, with a quiet and sweet heart, we in the starlight or moonlight each other and say goodbye.