n. 粗野之人;村夫
Carl Sagan?卡尔·萨根,卡尔萨根,卡尔
Carl Jung?卡尔·荣格,卡尔,卡尔·张
Sonny began beating the cowering Carlo with his fists, cursing him in a thick, rage-choked, voice杉尼开始一面用拳头狠揍缩头缩脑的卡罗,一面用混浊的,气得上气不接下气的声音破口大骂。
Dancing up and down, like a little elf, whenever she hit the scarlet letter.每当花朵打中红字,她就象个小精灵似的蹦蹦跳跳。
A Russian jeweler, Carl Faberge, made his eggs out of gold, silver and jewels一个叫卡尔·费伯奇的俄国珠宝商曾用金、银和珠宝做成彩蛋。
"Oh, can pa have lost his mind?", thought Scarlett, and her throbbing head felt as if it would crack with this added strain.“哦,难道爸爸已经失了神了吗?”,思嘉莉特一面想着,一面因受了这一新的刺激,觉得她的头要裂开了。
"And, discerning the scarlet letter on her breast, would scamper off with a strange, contagious fear."待到看清她胸前的红字,便怀着一种害怕受到传染的奇异的恐惧,迅速逃开了。
"English, Mikenas-Carls, Sicilian variation"英吉利,米肯纳斯-卡尔斯,西西里变例
"Don't look so simple-minded!" cried Scarlett, infuriated at her silly expression."“不要显得那么头脑简单!”思嘉莉特以为她装腔,怒不可遏了。
"Carl, people are supposed to be friendly and hospitable at Christmas, even if they hate each other for the rest of the year. ""卡尔,人们在圣诞节的时候应该对人友好、好客,即使在平时怨恨对方。"
When you write prose, you say what you mean; when you write in verse, you say what you must.——Carl Sandburg写散文时说你想说的话;写诗歌时说你必须说的话。——姆斯
"Jack , do you know Mr. Carl Mond ? "杰克,你认识卡尔蒙德先生吗