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Lotus Pond Under the Moonlight (translation by alexcwlin)


In recent days, I had been feeling a bit agitated.


This night, I was sitting around in the garden to catch the breeze when out of the blue, the lotus pond which I passed by every day came to mind. I wondered if it would look any different under the light of the full moon.


The moon was creeping higher. Children’s laughter on the street outside of the walls was gone. The wife was patting our son Little Run to sleep while murmuring a lullaby. I puton a coat quietly, closed the door behind me and headed out.


Alongside the lotus pond was a winding off-the-beaten-track cinder trail. Passers-by were few during the day, and fewer during the night. Densely-grown and shady trees surrounded the lotus pond in all directions. Willow and no-name trees lined thetrail which would, on moonless nights, look dreary and spooky. That night was fine, albeit the moonlight was somewhat dim.


I was strolling alone on the road with hands clasped together behind my back. It seemed everything around was all mine, and I had sublimed to another dimension. I liked excitement, but I also liked quietness. I liked crowds, but I also liked solitude. At a time like that night under ubiquitous moonlight, I was at liberty to let my mind fly free or draw a blank. I could put aside the things I needed to do or say during daytime. Such was the beauty of being alone, and besides, I could indulge myself in the sweet aroma of the lotus and the immense beauty of the moonlight.


Across the undulating surface of the lotus pond was a field of leaves filling the landscape. The leaves reached high above water like skirts of tiptoeing ballerinas. Sprinkled among them were white flowers. Some were showily in bloom while others were sheepishly in bud, resembling glittery pearls, twinkly stars, or freshly-bathed beauties. Breezes continually delivered dainty fragrance much like faint music from a distant tower.


Moonlight, seemingly like streaming water, gently doused the patch of leaves and flowers. Adding thesoft mist rising in the pond to the mix, the leaves and flowers appeared as if they had been rinsed in milk or they were dreams draped in fine silk.


Even though there was a full moon, it could not shine with total brightness because the sky was splattered with wispy clouds. To me it was just right, much like a good night’s sleep would be an essential, but a short nap would be a gratification of sort.


Moonlight shonethrough the trees and cast jagged irregular shadows of those tall bushy shrubsstanding vertically like ghostly figures. Sparsely-leafed willows projected their bowing and shapely images on lotus foliage. Reflection of the moonshine was unevenly dispersed in the pond, but lights and shades meshed harmoniously in rhythm just like a musical masterpiece played on violin.


All sides of the lotus pond were full of trees at varying distances and heights. Willow trees were the largest in number. Those trees tightly barricaded the lotus pond and left a few openings next to the pathways as if they were reserved for the moonlight to go through. Trees looked homogeneously shadowy seemingly enveloped in fog, and yet the curvaceous contours of willows were still distinguishable. Vaguely visible over the tree tops were mountains from afar, even though in outline only. A couple of street lights peeked through the trees lethargically looking like sleepy eyes. The most vivacious at the time were the buzzing from cicadas and the croaking from frogs. But while they were partying away, I was left in thecold.


All of a sudden my mind switched to lotus-seed picking, which was an old tradition of Jiangnan from way back. It was most prevalent during the era of the Six Dynasties. Poems and songs more or less could tell us lotus seed pickers were teenage girls drifting around in small boats while humming beautiful melodies. Needless to say there were plenty of pickers and spectators. That was an exciting festival full of romances.



Emperor Yuan of the Liang Dynasty, in his “Ode to Lotus Picking”, described it well:

“And so the handsome lad and sweet maiden drifted around in a small boat while pledging their undying love to each other. Back and forth the little craft was rowed and the wine glasses were passed. Algae draped over the paddling oars and floating duckweed made way for the moving boat. With a white ribbon tied around her slender waist, she hesitated in advancing the boat and kept looking back at where she started. The time was late spring and early summer when leaves were greening and flowers were budding. She giggled when her dress was in danger of getting wet, and lifted up the bottom of her skirt in fear the boat might tilt.”


That was a glimpse of playing around then. It was a fun event, but regretfully we could no longer enjoy it nowadays.


And then I recall verses in “Ballad of Xizhou”: “In picking lotus seeds in South Pond during the fall, the plants measured in excess of man’s height. Looking down at those seeds being handled, they were as clear as water.”


If there were lotus-seed pickers that night, they would consider the plants there to be taller than a man. However, it just didn’t seem right that streams of flowing water were missing from the scene; that brought back the memory of Jiangnan. While deep in thought, I abruptly looked up and unaware to me I had arrived at my home doorstep. I softly pushed open the door. It was quiet, and my wife had already been deep in sleep for quite some time.