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Years later, at dusk with drizzles, when he recalls the trip to Henan at the age of 20, will he feel the same as he is feeling now, full of tears and nose running, heart-broken? Or maybe he has forgotten the day he spent at a small hotel in another town, sitting in front of a blalnk mirror, the scene with tears in his eyes. He might be looking into the fragile old man in the mirror, with gray hair, not knowing who he is. Slowly tear off the sign that proved he was once young, but now time has blurred his footsteps. Only the sharp lonely face in the crowds remains strikingly vivid, the emotional looks in his his eyes penetrating like wind, becoming a close-up sad image that will last forever.

He still remembers on the street in Shangqiu, where he could find no friends and relatives, he left behind a back image in a hurry. This small city was built on Northern China Plain, square on all sides, but the looks of the city is dirty, littered with trash. When the long-awaited anticipation was turned to disappointment by stark reality, he started this one-way dating to temper his soul.

At Mangshan, a place of interest, he was deeply moved by an old lady, the park worker’s special care, and a free ride given by a tourist.

Thinking of that night in Kaifeng, visiting the Iron Tower Park, on that rainy evening, when all the tourists were gone, he was the lone guy staring at the empty swing moved by breezes, shadow chasing its form. He felt so lost He was thinking of the raindrops gathered on the lawn, and that was all he needed to heal his pain. The past few years, he’s been used to walk by himself, eating by himself, and travel alone. But still he cannot find a way to adapt to the loneliness and sadness. When he looks at the photos he has stared at numerous times, amazingly he finds that as if his feelings are back to the day when he first received these photos more than half year ago. Sure, she is not that pretty, but why was he so reckless as to take the train to Henan, starting his trip of no-return?

Is it true that his pent-up feelings needed a vent to break the suffocating net? In the name of love, the pursuit of a youth, or using the impulse of a young man as an excuse to pardon himself? Until today, he does not need any answer any more. The youth sparks lasted splendidly only but one season, whether the background sky was clear or rainy, no matter how spectacular the evening rays are!

He will still walk in the little woods in the morning, bathing himself in the sounds of trees and chirping of birds, wandering aimlessly and silently. On fall evenings, when falling leaves fly, he still stands in the empty yard, looking into the distance, marveling at the coldness and tears will come to his eyes. He still recalls those fond memories on winder days in the cold cabin, tears falling off his cheeks. The alternating seasons compose a ever-changing sonata. All he could do is to stand in the vast emptiness and wait in silence. Even though the dense spring fog and vapor swallow him up in sorrow, the scorching summer sun try to burn him up like hell, he can still feel his vigorous heart penetrating the blurry sunlight and feel the warmth of history and the purity of the passing years.

