资讯科技挑战奖励计划 IT Challenge Award 华夏杯 二等奖 second prize of Huaxia Cup 第六十二届中国香港学校朗诵节 散文独诵 粤语 男子组 良好 The sixty-second session of the Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival Solo Prose Speaking Cantonese Boys -----good 第七届高小数学邀请赛 眼明手快大奖 Seventh Senior primary mathematics Invitational agile Award 美丽的山道绘画比赛 高级组 优异奖 Beautiful Road Senior Merit Award Painting Competition 全港十八区小学数学比赛(中西区)铜奖 Hong Kong 18 District Primary Mathematics Competition (Central and Western) Bronze Award
资讯科技挑战奖励计划 华夏杯 二等奖 第六十二届中国香港学校朗诵节 散文独诵 粤语 男子组 良好 第七届高小数学邀请赛 眼明手快大奖 美丽的山道绘画比赛 高级组 优异奖 IT Challenge Award China Cup Award The sixty-second session of the Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival Solo Prose Speaking Cantonese good men Seventh upper primary mathematics Invitational agile Award Beautiful Hill Senior Merit Award Painting Competition 2012-01-02 21:22:38 补充: 全港十八区小学数学比赛(中西区)铜奖 18 District Primary Mathematics Competition (Western) Bronze
参考: googlo