Zhang ailing, Chinese modern writers, ZhangYing original name, was born in Shanghai public concessions in the west of megan road 313 of a house built in late qing dynasty imitation of the western a person of extraordinary powers curtilage. Zhang ailing's family ZhangPeiGuan is prominent, grandfather, grandmother MingChen late qing li ju coupling is the elder daughter of li3 hong2 zhang ministers court. Zhang ailing life creation great number of literary works. Types including novels, essays, a movie script and literature works, and her letters were also people as a part of the works to study. 1944 meet with the writer zhang ailing's subject communication. In 1973, settled in Los Angeles, zhang on September 8, 1995, zhang ai-ling's landlord found she died in California west wood, rochester, big way, the apartment, aged 75, dead because atherosclerosis cardiovascular disease.