《楚辞·离骚》—屈原 。
Li Sao。Qu Yuan。
长太息以掩涕兮,哀民生之多艰。Long did I sigh and wipe away my tears,To see my people bowed by griefs and fears.余虽好修姱以鞿羁兮,謇朝谇而夕替。
Though I my gifts enhanced and curbed my pride,At morn they'd mock me, would at eve deride;既替余以蕙纕兮,又申之以揽茝。First cursed that I angelica should wear,Then cursed me for my melilotus fair.亦余心之所善兮,虽九死其犹未悔。
But since my heart did love such purity,I'd not regret a thousand deaths to die.怨灵修之浩荡兮,终不察夫民心。I marvel at the folly of the king,So heedless of his people's suffering.众女嫉余之蛾眉兮,谣诼谓余以善淫。
They envied me my mothlike eyebrows fine,And so my name his damsels did malign.固时俗之工巧兮,偭规矩而改错。Truly to craft alone their praise they paid,The square in measuring they disobeyed;背绳墨以追曲兮,竞周容以为度。
With confidence their crooked lines they traced.忳郁邑余佗傺兮,吾独穷困乎此时也!In sadness plunged and sunk in deepest gloom,Alone I drove on to my dreary doom.宁溘死以流亡兮,余不忍为此态也!In exile rather would I meet my end,Than to the baseness of their ways descend.鸷鸟之不群兮,自前世而固然。Remote the eagle spurns the common range,Nor deigns since time began its way to change;何方圜之能周兮,夫孰异道而相安?A circle fits not with a square design;Their different ways could not be merged with mine.屈心而抑志兮,忍尤而攘垢。
Yet still my heart I checked and curbed my pride,Their blame endured and their reproach beside.伏清白以死直兮,固前圣之所厚。To die for righteousness alone I sought,For this was what the ancient sages taught.。
2.屈原的名言,要英语的I see road, I will search up and down. (qu yuan's li SAO)
路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。 (屈原·离骚)
Long heave a deep sigh to yan cried, the cry of the people's livelihood more difficult. (qu yuan's li SAO)
长太息以掩涕兮,哀民生之多艰。 (屈原·离骚)
If Yu Xinzhi end straight, though remote it hurt? (qu yuan, wading river) (qu yuan, wade jiang)
苟余心之端直兮,虽僻远其何伤? (屈原·涉江)
3.急《楚辞·离骚》—屈原 。
Li Sao。
Qu Yuan。
Long did I sigh and wipe away my tears,To see my people bowed by griefs and fears.
Though I my gifts enhanced and curbed my pride,At morn they'd mock me, would at eve deride;
First cursed that I angelica should wear,Then cursed me for my melilotus fair.
But since my heart did love such purity,I'd not regret a thousand deaths to die.
I marvel at the folly of the king,So heedless of his people's suffering.
They envied me my mothlike eyebrows fine,And so my name his damsels did malign.
Truly to craft alone their praise they paid,The square in measuring they disobeyed;
With confidence their crooked lines they traced.
In sadness plunged and sunk in deepest gloom,Alone I drove on to my dreary doom.
In exile rather would I meet my end,Than to the baseness of their ways descend.
Remote the eagle spurns the common range,Nor deigns since time began its way to change;
A circle fits not with a square design;Their different ways could not be merged with mine.
Yet still my heart I checked and curbed my pride,Their blame endured and their reproach beside.
To die for righteousness alone I sought,For this was what the ancient sages taught.
4.关于屈原的故事(英文,以及有中文解释)谢谢Qu Yuan (about before 304 - 278 years ago) 战国末期楚国人,杰出的政治家和爱国诗人.名平,字原.楚武王熊通之子屈瑕的后代.丹阳(今湖北秭归)人. Chu late Warring States Period, outstanding politician and patriotic poet. Civilians, the original word. Chu Wu Yu-Xiong son flexor blemish for future generations. Danyang (this Zigui in Hubei Province) people. 屈原是我国第一位伟大的爱国主义诗人,他开创了诗歌从集体歌唱转变为个人独立创作的新纪元,是我国积极浪漫主义诗歌传统的奠基人,"世界四大文化名人"(另有波兰的哥白尼、英国的莎士比亚、意大利的但丁)之一. Qu Yuan was one of China's first great poet of patriotism, he created a poetry from the collective singing into a new era of creative personal independence, China is actively traditional founder of Romantic poetry, "the world's four major cultural celebrities" (otherwise Poland Copernicus, the British Shakespeare, Italy the Dante) one. 屈原一生经历楚威王,楚怀王, Qu Yuan's experiences Chu-wei Wang, King, 顷襄王三个时期,而主要活动在楚 Hectare entered three times, and the main activities in Chu 怀王时期.他对内辅佐怀王变法图 Huai WANG period. He Reform of domestic accessory huai WANG 强,对外积极主张联齐抗秦.后因 A strong advocate of positive external Qi Gang Qin. Due to 小人诬陷,被怀王疏远,并两次遭 The small-framed, was huai WANG alienation, and two were 放逐.第一次在怀王时期,被流放 Exile. Huai WANG in the first period, he was exiled 到汉北;第二次在顷襄王时期,被流放到沅,湘一带.最 Han to the North; In hectare entered the second period and was banished to the Yuan, Hunan area. Most 后,在无可奈何之际,他自沉汨罗江,以明其忠贞爱国的 Later, in a time when no alternative, since Shen Miluo River of his loyalty to the motherland. 的情怀. The sentiments. 屈原的作品有《离骚》,《天问》,《九歌〉,《九 Qu Yuan's works, "Li Sao", "Heaven", "Nine Songs>" 9 章〉,《招魂》等.大体说来,《离骚》,《天问》, Chapter> "spirits." Overall, "Li Sao", "Heaven", 《九歌》可以作为屈原作品三种类型的代表.《九章》 "Nine Songs" Qu Yuan's works can be used as three types of representatives. "IX" 与《离骚》类似,重在表现作者内心的情愫.《天问〉 "Lament" similar, focusing on the performance of the author inner sincerity. "Heaven> 是屈原根据神话,传说材料创作的诗篇,以问语一连向 Qu Yuan is the myth, legend creation of the poem, asked to language row 苍天提出了172个问题,涉及了天文,地理,文学,哲学 Heavens to the 172 issue involving the astronomy, geography, literature, philosophy 等许多领域,表现了诗人对传统观念的大胆怀疑和追求 , And many other fields, a performance poet on traditional concepts and the bold pursuit of suspected 真理的科学精神.《九歌》是楚国祭神乐曲,经屈原加 The truth of the scientific spirit. "Nine Songs" is the finest piece of Chu, and the Yuan 工润色而成,充满浓厚的生活气息. The refined form, a strong appreciation of life. 屈原是中国文学史上第一位伟大的爱国诗人.他的作 Qu Yuan was one of China's literary history of the great patriotic poet. For his 品开创了我国诗歌的浪漫主义传统.他的崇高精神和巍 Commodities created a tradition of Romantic poetry. His lofty spirit and Wei 巍人格千百年来感召和哺育着无数中华儿 .人民永远景 Wei personality to inspire thousands of numerous Chinese and nursing infants. People will always be King 仰他,热爱他.中国民间5月5端午节包粽子,赛龙舟的 Yang him, love him. Chinese Folk Festival-May 5 Ancients, the dragon-boat race 习俗就是源于对他的纪念. Customs is the origin of his Memorial. 屈原是中国文学史上第一位伟大的爱国诗人.是浪漫主义诗人的杰出代表.作为一位杰出的政治家和爱国志士,屈原爱祖国爱人民,坚持真理,宁死不屈的精神和他"可与日月争光"的巍巍人格,千百年来感召和哺育着无数中华儿女,尤其是当国家民族处于危难之际,这种精神的感召作用就更加明显.作为一个伟大的诗人,屈原的出现,不仅标志着中国诗歌进入了一个由集体歌唱到个人独创的新时代,而且他所开创的新诗体——楚辞,突破了《诗经》的表现形式,极大地丰富了诗歌的表现力,为中国古代的诗歌创作开辟了一片新天地.后人也因此将《楚辞》与《诗经》并称为"风,骚"."风,骚"是中国诗歌史上现实主义和浪漫主义两大优良传统的源头.同时,以屈原为代表的楚辞还影响到汉赋的形成. Qu Yuan was one of China's literary history of the great patriotic poet. Romantic poet is an outstanding representative. As an outstanding politician and patriotic Patriots, Qu Yuan love the motherland and the people, upholding truth and the spirit and to submit his "Sun and the Moon and brought glory。
(离骚) 翻译:前路漫漫、又长又远啊,(但是)我(就算是)上天入地,也将会对它进行求解探索! 长太息以掩涕兮,哀民生之多艰。 (离骚) 翻译:(我)常常大声地叹息并流着眼泪‘(因为我)为人民生活处境的艰难而感到哀伤啊! 亦余心之所善兮,虽九死其犹未悔。
(离骚) 翻译:(如果)也是我内心所喜欢并认为好的,就算是为了它死上许多次,也不会有丝毫的后悔! 指九天以为正兮,夫惟灵修之故也。 (离骚) 翻译:指着苍天为我作证(对天发誓),(我所有的行为忧虑等)都是因为大王你的缘故啊。
(意即为楚王尽忠的缘故)“灵修”指代楚王 袅袅兮秋风,洞庭波兮木叶下。 (九歌) 翻译:秋风袅袅地吹佛啊,洞庭湖的湖波也在涌动,树叶也纷纷扬扬的下落。
01、鸟飞返故乡兮,狐死必首丘。语出屈原《九章 哀郢》公元前278年秦将白起攻破楚国都城郢,诗人作诗哀悼。
这两句诗便于哀惋中流露了对故国的眷恋,诗中向故乡寻觅栖息之所的飞鸟和即使死去也要把头颅朝向自己洞穴的狐狸,就是诗人自己的化身。 02、朝饮木兰之坠露兮,夕餐秋菊之落英. 语出屈原《离骚》。
“坠露”与“落英”都是高洁芬芳之物,诗人说以之为食,是就精神素养而言,与字面意义无涉.此句意象玲珑,境界虚空,读之如醍醐灌顶,使人心地一片澄明。03、悲莫悲兮生别离,乐莫乐兮新相知. 语出屈原《九歌 司命》。
此写恋人离别后的惆怅.前句写现实的悲哀,后句更写回味中流露了无限的眷恋.虽然直抒胸臆,不假物象,但却有一唱三叹之妙。 04、举世皆浊我独清,众人皆醉我独醒。
6.屈原介绍 英文版Qu Yuan (about 340 BC - 278 BC), a poet and politician of the Chu State during the Warring States Period. Born in Danyang, the country of Chu (now Yichang, Hubei). 屈原(约公元前340—公元前278年),中国战国时期楚国诗人、政治家。
出生于楚国丹阳秭归(今湖北宜昌)。 The descendants of Qu Wu Wang Xiongtong's son. When I was a teenager, I was well educated. In the early years, he was trusted by Chu Huaiwang, and he served as a left-winger and a three-time doctor. He also took charge of internal affairs and diplomacy. 楚武王熊通之子屈瑕的后代。
Advocating "American politics", advocating for the internal ethics, cultivating the law, and external forces to fight against Qin. Due to the exclusion of the nobility, it was exiled to the Hanbei and Xiaoxiang river basins. After being attacked by the Qin army, the Chu State was self-sinking in the Luo River and taking advantage of the country. 提倡“美政”,主张对内举贤任能,修明法度,对外力主联齐抗秦。因遭贵族排挤诽谤,被先后流放至汉北和沅湘流域。
7.关于古代诗人屈原的故事英语作文(For thousands of years,the tradition of the Duanwu Festival has been passed down from one generation to the next.But where did it come from and why did people eat Zongzi and race dragon boats?Many scholars have studied these questions and given their academic explanations.)
One explanation is that the Duanwu Festival originated from people's worship of dragons.In ancient China,people believed the dragon was the god in charge of water,which was vitally important to daily life and agricultural production.On the day of Duanwu,people raced dragon boats to entertain the god and offered him Zongzi as a treat.The sole purpose was to please the god to ensure a year of favorable weather.
Some people believe Duanwu comes from activities instigated by ancient sorcerers.These activities were held in early summer when the hot weather was about to bring diseases to people who didn't have modern devices and medicines to protect themselves.So,ancient sorcerers encouraged people to wear fragrant pouches and hang mugwort and calamus on their doors to drive away the so-called evil spirits that caused diseases.
Scholars may provide many other explanations about the origin of the Duanwu Festival.But if you ask ordinary people about its origin,you'll get the same answer.They will tell you that the Duanwu Festival honors the great poet,Qu Yuan.They'll also tell you the story that has been passed down for more than 2,000 years.
Qu Yuan was born in 340 BC,during the Warring States Period.At that time,there were seven states struggling among themselves to unify China.Of the seven states,Qin was the strongest and Chu the largest.
Qu Yuan was a noble of Chu.During his lifetime,the powerful kingdom of Chu fell into a decline.
8.屈原生平资料(英语)Chuci 楚辞 and Poetry of the South by Qu Yuan 屈原Qu Yuan 屈原(d. 278 BC) was a high minister at the Warring States time court of the king of Chu 楚, proposing him reforms in government and an alliance with other states to encounter the power of the neighboring state of Qin 秦. When the king did not follow his advises and was taken a prisoner by Qin, Qu Yuan wrote "Sorrow after department" Li Sao 离骚, a kind of autobiography. The disappointed poet drowned himself in the Dongting lake after the king of Chu died in his prison far from home. People offered rice balls to his soul, and during the mid autumn moon festival, rice balls (zongzi 粽子) are still a popular meal. Other poems that are ascribed to Qu Yuan are the Nine Songs (Jiu Ge 九歌), the Nine Elegies (Jiu Zhang 九章), "Asking Heaven" (Tian Wen 天问) and some more. The particular style of this poetry gave it the name "Poetry of Chu (the most southern state of that period)" Chu Ci 楚辞. It is different from the northern poetry styles both in verse (the verse divider xi 兮, a particle expressing sighing) and in content. The northern literature is much more plain of feelings, while the poems in the southern state of Chu are full of sentiment and even mystical visions. Qu Yuan is guided on his horse chart to a heaven far from the human world. His evokings of the Goddess of the river is an example of shamanism widespread in the southern religion. Southern poetry later became very popular among Taoists that also saw man as a mere small being the cosm and nature.有关楚辞的英文网络资源:Chinese Literature - Chuci and Poetry of the South/04qart/chuci.htmScenes Illustrating Melodies from the Chu Ci/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=b00possAncient Poems: The Songs of the South (Chinese-English)/main/ntquery;jsessionid=8nb6jricds4bn?tname=chu-ci&curtab=2222_1&hl=shi&hl=jing&sbid=lc01b。