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As the 20 th century Chinese literature history important writer, studies Yang jang's literary world is an unavoidable exist. And the momentum and expansion of the "QianXue" compared to people like to say for "钱锺书 lady" studies Yang jang's, she only the edge of the modern and contemporary literary content with a corner, with great concentration of literature study, translation and the creation, and in these areas made contribution to ignore. In studies Yang jang's research is the process of 60 years, text research, the writer subject research studies have made great achievements, but few critics of comprehensive study involving studies Yang jang's prose. Therefore this paper tries to cut into the talking object of prose to research studies Yang jang's prose. The prose is a one-way conversation style of writing, the time of the most prose can be classified into "talk wind" prose. And there is always the talking object, various schools, all kinds of style, in the final analysis, it depends on what the object in conversation. Therefore, the talking object to the influence of the prose style is the decision to want to into studies Yang jang's prose, cannot avoid to clear the talking object studies Yang jang's prose, and then further on Yang jiang's prose has been the connotation of the perspective of the studies Yang jang's prose style and simple unique value.

Paper is divided into three chapters, the first chapter to so far all the studies Yang jang's prose text as the basis, the definition of the talking object studies Yang jang's prose, a distinction between studies Yang jang's prose the talking object in different times of change. Studies Yang jang's prose conversation of the selected object to the Chinese modern prose is traditional inheritance innovation, show the studies Yang jang's as a female intellectual writing position on the prose of the mess is of great significance. The second chapter explores studies Yang jang's prose for the "f" in the writing of the ideological content and position art aesthetic, show studies Yang jang's unique simple style. In the third chapter it analyzes and studies Yang jang's prose hidden behind the literati tradition and creation of life relations, more deep-seated mining studies Yang jang's prose of unique value, thus for the development of the prose creation provide beneficial enlightenment.