诗歌散文网 - 写景散文 - smile to。。。。。。半命题英语作文

smile to。。。。。。半命题英语作文

Smile to the world

I want to smile to my father who brings me up and gives me biggest supports,he let me know,no matter how far I go,I will be welcome anytime I back home.Smile to him,I must show him my grateful!


I want to smile to my dearest mother who always makes me warm in the long long journey,every time I come back home,whatever I am a winer or loser in the outside,she will always open her arms embrace me closely .Smile to her,Tell her,with her, I am the happiest guy in this world.


I also want to smile to my wise teachers,teach me when I was ignorant,love me even I made some mistakes,I gonna smile to her,and ask her tell me one more knowledges


Smile,My trust friends!Please receive this smile,I come up any better ideas to let you know how I love you,we know each other since we were nine or ten,we grow up together,we share both pains and pleasures .I can't imagine my life without you, So,smile my love


I do need to smile to you,my adorable Mr.life.Thanks for gives me a plenty of nice thing ,thanks for let me know there's darkness in this world while lightness governed the world.Thanks for notice me that even there are some misunderstandings between my love and me,we still love each other.Thanks for reminds me of never ever give up my dreams and my loves.

